The Second HK-Mainland Cyber Security Forum
The second HK-Mainland Cyber Security Forum with the theme of “Facilitating Data Flow Securely and Orderly, Promoting Economic and Social Development” was held on 15 October 2017 in Xiamen. Some 150 experts from the government, research sector and academia, professional bodies and information security industry of the two places attended the Forum to exchange views on topics relating to data protection as well as personal data policy and law. The Forum also provided a platform for information security management and professionals of Hong Kong and the Mainland of China to share insights and foster further collaboration.
- Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
- Bureau of Cyber Security of Cyberspace Administration of China
- 中國網信網:第二屆內地-香港網絡安全論壇成功舉辦 (17 October 2017) (Chinese version)
- Press Release: Second HK-Mainland Cyber Security Forum held in Xiamen (15 October 2017)
- Opening Remarks by Ir Allen Yeung, JP, Government Chief Information Officer, at the second "HK-Mainland Cyber Security Forum" (Chinese only) (15 October 2017)